
We want to inform all interested parties that we are no longer developing the Gift of Legacy business.

We always try to provide the best opportunity for our team members and after so many changes and problems within the system, we no longer believe in the Gift of Legacy opportunity.

As a result, in a meeting with our global team, we made the decision to start a new business.




LiveGood is a company founded in the USA in 2023 and already has more than 1 million members spread across the world.

The company became known for having an innovative Rewards Plan, as it is possible to earn up to 2,047 dollars per month, even without referring anyone to the company. That’s right, even if you don’t register at all, you can still earn up to $2,047 per month.

If you decide to build a team and grow in the Career Plan, the gains are considerably higher. A Diamond on LiveGood can earn more than 20,000 dollars per month.

In the coming weeks we will be registering thousands of people and you have the opportunity to be part of our team and receive registrations below you.

So click on the link below, watch the video and pre-register. Don’t waste any more time!!